Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. Registration packets in both English and Spanish are located on the front bench by the front door of the school. These will be out and available for pick up each evening and on weekends as well. A checklist of required items to bring with you is attached at the top of the packet when you return the packet for enrollment. Please read this carefully to be sure you have the proper ID, two acceptable proofs of residency, your child’s original birth certificate, and all other paperwork completed. We will notarize all forms at the school. Packets may be returned to the school office any school day between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Simply ring the doorbell for assistance. Please help us pass the word to family, friends, and neighbors who may have rising Kindergarten students. We look forward to enrolling our new group of Kindergarten students!