Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety exist among a continuum, and are issues that the majority of students will face at some point in their lives. However, when this stress and anxiety is unrelenting and affecting every part of the students' life, it is important to seek help. Seeing your school counselor will help an anxious student with the following strategies:
- Relaxation exercises
- Positive self-talk
- Strategies for homework/classwork
- Strategies for using tools to calm down in an intense situation
Here are some positive ways to relieve stress:
Ride a bike |
Read a book |
Draw a picture |
Run/walk |
Jump rope/or on the trampoline |
Take a nap |
Listen to music/sing |
Play games |
Take several slow deep breaths
Get a hug |
Punch a pillow |
Write |
Be silly |